Tuesday, October 26, 2010


As some of you may know my husband just got out of ICU yesterday evening. He is now on the medical floor. All of this due to severe vertigo. :( We still don't know what the problem is--but hope to have some more answers soon. Thanks for your patience and understanding everyone while we deal with this.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How to Sew a Prefold Into a Fitted Diaper

Is there a fat lady singing someplace? Because I am FINALLY posting a legit blog post with a tutorial and review! It took a lot longer then expected but what should I expect with a new camera and software?

With a few stops and starts--I wish I had this tutorial when I was making it. :) I think this fitted turned out pretty darn functional and SUPER trim. The directions were pretty clear accept when it came to sewing on the tabs--or maybe it was just to late at night to be reading directions on my end. It took me a good twenty minutes to figure it out for some reason.

Watch the Video

Ella, my fabulous model, is 13 months and 19 lbs.


Next time I think I will try and make this with a toddler size prefold. If you adjust the template to make it wider you may not have to add anything to the tabs--you would just have to round them. I think I would make the space between the legs a little wider as well so that you have more room to put the elastic in. I am also wondering if it would be possible to turn this into a fitted pocket if you trim off the top then re-serge a pocket opening into it?

This would also be a perfect pattern to add some cute fabric to the outside. I'm thinking I have some t-shirts that would fit the bill perfectly.

It feels really good to be back in action. What tutorials do you guys want to see this week? Post in the comments below!

Friday, October 15, 2010

It's HERE!!!!

The camera is here and charging! I'll be recording tomorrow and will hopefully have a new post up sometime in the afternoon. :) Wish me luck everyone.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Camera is on the Way!

I am SOOOO excited. :) Since we didn't have a ton of money to spend and since we didn't want another Flip but liked how easy it was to use we decided on getting a Kodak Playsport. They have a really great price on Amazon right now. It's waterproof, has HD, image stabilization, is more rugged, and saves data through a flash card so you can video for longer! So the tutorials are a coming!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So I have a pretty great tutorial all ready to go on making a fitted diaper from a too small infant prefold and recycled tshirt--it even includes a bonus tute on developing your own pattern! I have been struggling with a broken video camera since last week. It works then it doesn't, it uploads then it doesn't. :( The hubby and I are trying to decide what to get this weekend. I appreciate everyone's patience! Oh and if you have any recommendations please post a comment. We are on our second Flip--love the compact easiness of it but don't love that this is our second that has broken in two years. :(